IDS for EVERYONE | ACCA software

Want to learn how to manage the information requirements of a BIM model?Need to discover how to validate the informational content of a BIM model?

Download our free e-bookIDS for EVERYONE


IDS for EVERYONE is a comprehensive manual dedicated to the Information Delivery Specification (IDS), an openBIM® standard developed by buildingSMART® International.
The book is designed to provide practical and theoretical guidance on the use of IDS in the design and verification of Building Information Modeling (BIM) models, with a focus on interoperability and automated data validation.
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Objectives of the Book

  • Educate: Provide a thorough understanding of IDS as an openBIM® standard.
  • Guide: Offer practical instructions on how to use related software tools to create and validate IDS specifications.
  • Facilitate: Improve collaboration and interoperability between the various actors involved in BIM projects.

Target Audience


The book is aimed at all professionals involved in managing the lifecycle of an asset using BIM, including clients, designers, executors and validators of executed works.




Chapter 1: Introduction to the Manual

Introduces the concept of IDS and why the manual was created. Explains the importance of the buildingSMART® International community and the openBIM® format for improving the accessibility, management and sustainability of digital data in the construction sector.


Chapter 2: Framing IDS as an openBIM Standard

Presents IDS as a crucial standard for the validation of BIM projects, defining its role in AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) workflows. Describes how IDS can be used to ensure that BIM models conform to the required standards.


Chapter 3: The Technical Structure of IDS

Analyses the technical structure of IDS in detail, explaining how specifications, requirements and filters applicable to IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) models are organised.


Chapter 4: The Creation of Complex Specifications

Illustrates the use of FACETs (facets) for constructing complex specifications and requirements using the IDS Editor software. Explains how to manage classes, materials, attributes and properties.


Chapter 5: Obligation Constraints in Specifications

Explores the use of mandatory, optional or prohibited conditions and their application in IDS specification filters.


Chapter 6: Advanced FACET Management

Delves into the advanced features of FACETs and how to manage them using the usBIM.IDSeditor software.


Chapter 7: Advanced Value Management

Discusses the writing of complex values, the use of regular expressions and gives practical examples of permissible rules and values.


Chapter 8: Interoperability between IDS and bSDD

Describes the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) service and its interoperability with the IDS specification, explaining how to create new bSDD dictionaries and use the bSDDeditor.


Chapter 9: Performing BIM Validation

Analyses the IDS verification workflow, describing how to perform the validation of IFC models and the analysis of reports.


Chapter 10: Appendix

Contains a glossary of technical terms, graphical notations of BPMN diagrams, in-depth analysis, exercises and data for computerising the IFC model.