Building project management software

Building project management software free | Edificius | ACCA sotware

Need to manage and deliver your construction project on time?

With Edificius, deal with BIM construction work phases time management for improved activities organisation and simulate project evolution during the different phases of the project.

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Building project management software | Edificius | ACCA sotware

Edificius offers an environment for planning activities for the execution of the project:

WBS | Edificius | ACCA software

Break down the project into individual activities by defining your WBS

Gantt chart | Edificius | ACCA software

Associate BIM objects to the different activities and build up the Gantt chart

Your project in Real-Time | Edificius | ACCA software

Simulate your project's evolution over time in Real-Time and produce visually appealing presentations

Print or export the Gantt | Edificius | ACCA software

Print or export the Gantt chart to Word, HTML or PDF

Video Building project management software | Edificius | ACCA software

What is Building project management?

Building project management is the process for creating intelligent connections between the 3D digital model (which defines the project geometry) and the information on the execution time of the various activities required for construction.

The result is a complete information model that can also be used to create realistic simulations of the construction process in terms of time management. The aim is to identify all construction activities (as in a traditional time schedule), to visualise their progress over time and to offer stakeholders the opportunity to identify, analyse and prevent problems related to the sequential, spatial and temporal aspects of the construction process.

With this data, designers can develop accurate schedules based on a reliable source of federated information making the process safe, improving control over conflicts detection between different activities, limits the occurrence of unpleasant surprises during construction and consequent waste of time and resources.

The difference with a traditional approach is that you are dealing with a three-dimensional BIM model, which can be visualised in an extremely realistic way and to which the fourth dimension, or time information, is added.

What are the advantages of Building project management?

Below are aspects of Building project management that can improve the way you work:

  • Planning and scheduling – AEC stakeholders can have a comprehensive picture of the project and its construction from the very beginning of the process;
  • Real-time updating – Building project management provides a valuable aid to minimise the number and duration of meetings and phone calls to communicate decisions, changes and updates. Thanks to the visualisation of project progress achieved by BIM models, communication becomes much simpler, clearer and more immediate;
  • Project monitoring – the animation of the various stages of the construction process that you get from the model can be of great help to keep track of everything that happens on site. What you get is a real video in which the various works foreseen in the project follow one another in temporal order;
  • Conflict prevention and resolution – the existence of a shared information model adds transparency and clearly articulates the responsibilities of all those involved. Any additions or changes to the project can be easily traced back to the responsible person;
  • Construction site safety – the use of a construction animation sequence to monitor the progress of the construction site also has great advantages for safety, both in terms of project data breaches and the risk of accidents on site.
Build WBS by breaking down project into individual activities | Edificius | ACCA software

Build your WBS by breaking down the project into individual activities

Break down your project analytically into elementary parts, add hierarchical activities directly from the GANTT and build the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).

Quickly change activity duration on the Gantt by selecting and moving specific activity periods to define the starting and ending dates.

Add all the necessary activities to divide the project into individual parts that are easier to manage and to improve project planning and execution times.

You can change the sequence of activities at any time by adding intermediate activities, creating groupings or by deleting unnecessary activities.


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Associate BIM objects to different activities and build up Gantt chart | Edificius | ACCA software

Associate BIM objects to the different activities and build up the Gantt chart

Building the Gantt chart with Edificius is simple and immediate: in a single screen, you have the 3D model, the "4D-Gantt"environment window and a specific toolbox containing all the objects used in the model.

Thanks to the dynamic link between the “4D-Gantt” environment and the 3D model, you can associate the BIM objects to the different activities of the WBS by selecting them from the BIM objects toolbox or directly in the 3D viewport.

With the visibility filters you can decide which objects to view on the 3D model or in the floor plan.

You can change the BIM object-activity association by selecting the time period directly from the chart and deleting one or more objects that are assigned to it.

With the Gantt chart easily control the individual project activities, but above all keep control and track project timing and progress.


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Find out how simple it is to allocate and optimise resources for activities management and ensure project delivery
Simulate evolution project over time and print or export Gantt chart | Edificius | ACCA software

Simulate the evolution of your project over time and print or export the Gantt chart

Simulate and view the project evolution directly in 3D right up to the final construction stages by starting, pausing, interrupting, speeding up or slowing down the GANTT timeline.

Even simulate the time line in Real-Time Rendering. Select the most appropriate observation point to view and highlight the most interesting aspects of the project.

Quickly produce HD images and video tracks that are dynamically linked to the BIM model (any changes made to the model are automatically shown in the video track too).

Print the Gantt chart or export it to Word, HTML or PDF format.


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