BIM-SoftwareusBIMUnterstützte FormateusBIMBIM-SoftwareusBIMUnterstützte Formate Entdecken Kostenlose Apps usBIM.browser BIM-Viewer usBIM.pointcloud Point cloud Viewer usBIM.federation Föderation von BIM-Modellen usBIM.gis BIM-GIS-Software usBIM.bcf Verwaltung von BCF-Dateien usBIM.library BIM-Objekte PriMus online Aufmaß & Preisverzeichnis Alle kostenlosen Apps Zusätzliche Apps usBIM.clash BIM Clash Detection usBIM.checker BIM validation usBIM.editor Advanced IFC-Editor usBIM.reality Bauen im Metaversum usBIM.project BIM-Projektmanagement usBIM.planAI Von 2D zu 3D/BIM usBIM.IoT BIM-IoT-Platform usBIM.blueprint Technische Bauzeichnungen usBIM.scan2ifc Scan to BIM software Alle zusätzlichen Apps Plattformen usBIM BIM Management System usBIM.platform Common Data Environment usBIM.bridge Brückenmanagement usBIM.dossier Engineering document management usBIM.resolver Baumanagement-Software usBIM.maint CMMS-Software usBIM.geotwin Geospatial Digital Twin Lösungen Online-IFC-Viewer BIM Coordination BIM Collaboration BIM Data Management Support erhalten Technischer Support Benutzerhandbuch Unterstützte Formate Vergleichtabelle usBIM/usBIM.platform Lernen Testen Kaufen Von usBIM unterstützte Formate Mit usBIM können Sie eine breite Palette von Dateiformaten für die 2D- und 3D-Planung online öffnen und visualisieren...von Dimensionen, die nie zuvor erreicht wurden! Sort by categoryAll2D file format360 IMAGE file format3D file formatACCA file formatCADES file formatCerTus HSBIM file formatDOCUMENT file formatEdificius file formatEdiLus file formatGIS file formatIMAGE file formatMS Office file formatOPEN BIM file formatPOINT CLOUD file formatPriMus file formatRevit file formatTerMus file formatVIDEO/AUDIO file formatSearch: CategoryFormatViewingEditingUpload/DownloadVersioningApplication 2D file format .DGN; .DGNZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 2D file format .DWG 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 2D file format .DXF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 2D file format .SVG; .SVZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 360 IMAGE file format .JPEG360 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver 3D file format .3DS 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .BLEND; .BLENDZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .DAE; .DAEZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .FBX; .FBXZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .GLB 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .GLTF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .LANDXML 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation (Work In Progress) 3D file format .OBJ; .OBJZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .SKP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .STL 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation 3D file format .X3D 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation ACCA file format .CHKR 1 1 0 1 usBIM.checker ACCA file format .CLSH 1 1 0 1 usBIM.clash ACCA file format .CMPR 1 1 0 1 ACCA file format .CPN2 1 1 1 1 CerTus SCAFFOLDING ACCA file format .DATAJSON 1 1 1 1 (Work In Progress) ACCA file format .FDRN 1 1 0 1 usBIM.federation ACCA file format .LAND 1 1 1 1 (Work In Progress) ACCA file format .NXS 1 1 1 1 NeXus (Work In Progress) ACCA file format .SLRP2 1 1 1 1 Solarius PV ACCA file format .WTML 1 1 1 1 usBIM.writer CADES file format .P7M 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser CerTus HSBIM file format .HSBIM 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser DOCUMENT file format .CSV 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser DOCUMENT file format .PDF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser DOCUMENT file format .RTF 1 0 1 1 DOCUMENT file format .TXT 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser Edificius file format .BOL 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser Edificius file format .EDF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation EdiLus file format .EDL 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver usBIM.federation GIS file format .GEOJSON 1 1 1 1 usBIM.gis usBIM.resolver GIS file format .GML; .GMLZIP; .CITYJSONZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver (Work In Progress) IMAGE file format .BMP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .GIF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .JPEG 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .JPG 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .PNG 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .TGA 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .TIF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver IMAGE file format .TIFF 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver MS Office file format .DOC 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .DOCM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .DOCX 1 1 1 1 MS Office file format .DOT 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .DOTM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .DOTX 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .ODP 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .ODS 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .ODT 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .POT 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .POTM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .POTX 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPS 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPSM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPSX 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPT 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPTM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .PPTX 1 1 1 1 MS Office file format VSD 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .VSDX 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .XLS 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .XLSB 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .XLSM 1 0 1 1 MS Office file format .XLSX 1 1 1 1 OPEN BIM file format .BCF; .BCFZIP 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver OPEN BIM file format .BSDD 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver OPEN BIM file format .IDS 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver OPEN BIM file format .IFC; .IFCZIP 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver OPEN BIM file format .IFCX; .IFCXZIP 1 1 1 1 usBIM.IFC5 POINT CLOUD file format .ASC 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .E57; .E57ZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .LAS 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .LAZ 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .PLY 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .PTS; .PTSZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .PTX; .PTXZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .RCP; .RCPZIP 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .RCS 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .XYZ 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver POINT CLOUD file format .XYZCIRN 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.pointcloud usBIM.resolver PriMus file format .DCF 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser Revit file format .RFA 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver Revit file format .RVT 1 0 1 1 usBIM.browser usBIM.resolver TerMus file format .TM 1 1 1 1 usBIM.browser VIDEO/AUDIO file format .AAC 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .CAF 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .M4A 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .M4V 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .MOV 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .MP3 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .MP4 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .OGA 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .OGV 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .OPUS 1 0 1 1 VIDEO/AUDIO file format .WAV 1 0 1 1 Showing 1 to 100 of 100 records