IDS BIM - Information Delivery Specification

Machine readable Information Delivery Specification | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software

The IDS (Information Delivery Specification) standard allows optimal management of the information exchange in BIM projects.

With usBIM.IDS designers and buyers can take full advantage of this powerful standard and work much faster and smarter.

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Free BIM information delivery specification (IDS) creator for 3 months | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software

usBIM.IDS is the easiest and most efficient way to manage information exchanges in openBIM processes

Manage predictable and reliable data exchange flows, increase performance and reduce errors caused by poor communication

Video IDS information delivery specification | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software


Create the IDS document with all the informational specifications

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Validation workflow - IDS validator | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software


Validates datasets delivered in IDS standard format

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Video IDS information delivery specification | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software
IDS editor to define Exchange Information Requirements and manage simple, accurate and reliable information exchanges | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software

An IDS editor to define Exchange Information Requirements and manage simple, accurate and reliable information exchanges

In a BIM order, the information package that accompanies the model is outlined by the client, who is responsible for defining, upstream of the design of a project, what information is useful, how it should be exchanged and when this should take place.

With the IDS editor of usBIM.IDS you can create the document in which all the information delivery specifications are defined and easily transform it into a standard IDS file to be used in the modeling and validation phases of IFC models.

Using an IDS file makes client, modeler, and validator exchange workflows much easier, more accurate, and more reliable.

An IDS document allows the client to explain in what form and which rules the data related to the openBIM IFC model must comply.

Ultimately, thanks to usBIM.IDS the customer can enjoy all the advantages offered by the IDS format and can:

  • define the information specifications in an intelligible way by operators and software structures;
  • enter all the information useful to facilitate the understanding of your request;
  • generate an output related to the IFC model to allow automatic validation of the model with respect to the requirements.

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IDS validator to quickly and easily verify the quality of IFC files delivered by the modeler | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software

An IDS validator to quickly and easily verify the quality of the IFC files delivered by the modeler

Data validation workflow without the IDS format, is completely left to the validator's interpretation of reference specifications. This means that it becomes difficult to achieve good results despite the use of multiple resources.

With the IDS everything becomes easier because the validator is given:

  • model IFC files created by the modeler complete with geometry and data; 
  • IDS files compiled by the client that can be directly interpreted by the computer. 

With the IDS validator of usBIM.IDS you can check the quality of IFC files delivered quickly and easily:

  • import the IFC file to validate, or federate multiple IFC files if necessary
  • select the IDS file;
  • verify all requirements specified in the IDS file and validate the IFC file. 

Invalid IFC elements of the project are flagged with a red symbol (this may indicate, for example, an invalid ifc class, a missing required property, or a non-compliant value), and the IFC element is also flagged on the model.

You can monitor all the reports found on specific dashboards with reports and statistics. You can also export reports in csv, xlsx, or bcf format for further use.


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Discover all the advantages of the Information Delivery Specification BIM integrated in usBIM

The IDS standard applied to the ANAS case study

Video delivery specification IDS | usBIM.IDS | ACCA software

Workflow without usBIM.IDS

  • Information specifications provided through a document in XLSX format. DOCX, PDF, etc. and therefore to be interpreted by the modeler and validator
  • High possibility of errors and unreliable results due to the free interpretation of information requests 
  • Long processing times during the modeling and validation phases

Workflow with usBIM.IDS

  • Information specifications created with the IDS editor and therefore readable by operators and software solutions both during modeling and validation
  • Excellent results with minimal use of resources thanks to the creation of an IDS document already related to the IFC model 
  • No possibility of error, because the required specifications can be interpreted directly by the computer
  • Immediate feedback on the quality of the deliverables being delivered 
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What do you need to know about IDS?

An Information Delivery Specification (IDS) in the BIM and openBIM IFC is a computer readable document that defines Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) based on a model exchange.

IDS defines how the required datasets must be exchanged and delivered to the objects of an information model of a construction (classifications, properties and even values and units of measurement) in a BIM and openBIM IFC process.

The advantage of the openBIM IDS standard format is that it can be interpreted with a combination of the IFC, an extension of its domain and with properties and classifications defined by national or company specifications, formalized within the bSDD (buildingSMART Data Dictionary) or elsewhere.

IDS is the standard to be used to define your Level Of Information Need (LOIN) as required by UNI EN 17412-1.

The IDS allows the validation of the IFC by the customer and enables the possibility for the supply group to carry out automatic analyses on the models to be produced using special BIM Tools.

Information Delivery Specification (IDS) definition: what is it and how to use it in BIM

It's defined by buildingSMART International as a fundamental component in the management of the BIM process that can be placed on a contractual basis for the correct delivery of the requested information.

IDS is the solution to establish exchange workflows on predictable and reliable data. This offers the opportunity to structure perimeter requirements and use cases specific to projects and the organic management of an asset portfolio.

ACCA has developed usBIM.IDS, a new innovative BIM tool that meets the objectives that buildingSMART International aims to achieve with the introduction of IDS.

Application to validate the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) (or LOIN) of an IFC file, as required by UNI EN 17412-1, using the information delivery specification (IDS) standard of buildingSMART international.

usBIM.IDS enables the construction sector supply-chain to create, enhance and maintain its Information Delivery Specification, innovate its operational workflow and centralize in a single shared solution the interaction by all the actors involved.

usBIM.IDS can:

  • define requirements at the instance level;
  • connect to bSDD concepts, properties, and domains;
  • specify properties and classifications;
  • be machine readable to be automatically loaded by the software to facilitate both the users and the software tools to generate, validate and correct the mapping of internal data to the desired output;
  • be interpretable by the computer to allow automatic validation of the IFC against the requirements;
  • rely on industry-standard technologies to work with generic parsers;
  • be extensible.
Application to validate the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) (or LOIN) of an IFC file

The software allows you to manage the entire process of creation, compilation and validation of the information request (EIR). In a typical process, the information request formulated in an informative specifications could:

  • starting from the creation of an IDS specific to the order;
  • deploy through the cloud platform;
  • validate the information delivery with cloud platform service.

The informative process of creating the BIM model is fully supported by the software with obvious advantages of communication, coordination and quality of the expected result.

The BIM model can be created with any BIM authoring software (Edificius, Revit, ArchiCAD, etc.) and the information dataset required in the IFC file can be inserted with IDS modeler even by multiple users at the same time.

With usBIM.IDS, the BIM coordinator can request specific data sets of information from the managers of the different activities and obtain the complete information system for each phase of defining the model with the coordinated and simultaneous work of all the process stakeholders.

in 2018, ACCA became stable member of buildingSMART international, the organisation that operates at a worldwide level for the dissemination of the openBIM and the IFC standards. ACCA has a long time leadership in IFC openBIM workflows and its corporate mission and can boast:

  • the highest number of buildingSMART international IFC certified software in the world;
  • the first free IFC viewer with BIM model editing functions;
  • the first and only IFC certified BIM Management platform by buildingSMART in the world;
  • the first editor to work in such an advanced manner on IFC openBIM models.

ACCA software is involved in the main buildingSMART technical tables and has also proposed itself as a technological partner on the topic of Information Delivery Specification.

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