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Are you trying to adapt a 2x3 IFC model to the new 4.3 standard? Do you want to federate several BIM models and create a single IFC 4.3?With usBIM.refactor, you can create a new IFC model in the 4.3 format starting from the existing IFC files in just a few minutes ensuring that your projects are always compliant with the latest IFC standards.Use it for free Check out the offer Activate your free trial period on usBIM.storeGet free access to a complete range of online software and 10 GB cloud storage IFC 4.3 is the new version of the ISO 16739 standard!Start creating your IFC 4.3 models starting from existing IFCs with usBIM.refactor Use it for freeDiscover the merge multiple IFC files integrated in usBIM Reorganize your IFC model quickly and easily and without the need to use the software with which it was created usBIM.refactor allows you to create a new spatial structure for your IFC model with a few simple steps. Starting from geometries of different federated IFC models, you can redefine the relationships of a geometry to a class and contextualize it in the spatial structure of the IFC file without necessarily having the same software used to develop the model. To get the new IFC file rearranged according to your needs, simply: open and view your IFC BIM model of any type and size online; create a new spatial structure or, alternatively, load a previously exported structure. populate the new structure with new elements by acquiring them from existing objects. Use it for free Discover the Refactoring integrated in usBIM You have a database with all the IFC 4.3 format classes to create and enrich the new IFC model with elements With usBIM.refactor, you have all the classes of the IFC 4.3 standard to reorganize your IFC model. After creating a new project (IfcProject), starting from the database, you can: add the underlying spatial structures (IfcSite, IfcBridge, IfcFacilityPart, IfcElementAssembly, etc.) enrich the new structure with new elements from the existing objects in the IFC model; redefine the added elements by identifying the class to which they belong (IfcPile, IfcSlab, etc.) and defining an Enumeration Type that characterizes each individual class, if required by the standard. Use it for free Discover the Merge IFC files integrated in usBIM Federate multiple IFC files of any size and get a single data structure in IFC 4.3 format With usBIM.refactor you can easily aggregate multiple IFC files into a single IFC BIM federated model and assign a single data structure to the federated file. You have an IFC merge tool with which you can aggregate hundreds of models and easily manage the federated file, even large, complex models and with unbeatable speed. usBIM.refactor allows, starting from the new structure, to define and assign IFC classes to each geometry and obtain a single new IFC 4.3 file. You can easily export the new IFC 4.3 file and share it with your team. Use it for free Verify that the new IFC model is complete and export the updated version with just a few clicks Once the structure is defined and the IFC classes correctly assigned, usBIM.refactor allows you to quickly select and examine: all entities that haven't been associated with the new structure; only the objects selected in the model. Once you are satisfied with the results, save and export a new IFC model containing the selected geometry and reorganized according to your needs. Use it for free Discover the Merge IFC files free for a month integrated in usBIM usBIM, the BIM management system, scalable and configurable according to your needs.Get started with applications and 10GB of cloud storage space for free. Then choose the applications that you need to configure your usBIM experience according to your preferred workflow! usBIM is the online system that integrates different types of BIM tools: BIM interoperability tools: allowing full interoperability during the various phases of construction design, execution and the relating maintenance processes BIM collaboration tools: specific BIM tools for improved collaboration and sharing of information among all the various stakeholders involved in creating or updating the digital twin during the project's entire life cycle. With usBIM, manage the project, construction management and maintenance phases of a building or infrastructure, starting from the free usBIM solution. usBIM offers you infinite configurations with functions, applications and cloud storage space that you can activate from the online store. Only subscribe to the BIM tools that you really need. Keep your usBIM tools under control. Check out your current configurations and remain updated with the latest available plugins.Sign in now for freeAPP and functions provided with usBIM (included and free of charge) usBIM.browser BIM Viewer usBIM.pointcloud Point cloud viewer usBIM.federation Federations of BIM models and Point Clouds Online chat and messaging service Video Meetings and desktop sharing tools usBIM.gis BIM-GIS software usBIM.bcf BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) management usBIM.writer Integrated Word Processor for document and forms management Microsoft Office document editing Web Media Player usBIM.calendar Online Calendars PriMus online (light) Online construction cost estimating software usBIM.bSDDeditor bSDD Editor usBIM.IDSeditor IDS Editor usBIM.library BIM Objects usBIM.revolution Revit® openBIMAvailable SoonAPPs and additional functions (available with subscription plans) usBIM.clash BIM Clash Detection usBIM.gantt BIM 4D software usBIM.checker BIM validation usBIM.refactor Refactoring and Merge IFC files usBIM.editor Advanced IFC file editor usBIM.IoT BIM IoT Platform usBIM.render Online 3D renderingAvailable Soon usBIM.reality Construction in the Metaverse usBIM.facility BIM Facility Management usBIM.project BIM project management softwareAvailable Soon usBIM.blockchain BIM-Blockchain integration Compare 3D Models PriMus online Online construction cost estimating software usBIM.bSDD buildingSMART Data Dictionary usBIM.IDS Information Delivery Specification usBIM.blueprint Technical Construction Drawings BIM Google maps®Available Soon usBIM.BI BIM Business IntelligenceAvailable Soon usBIM.scan2IFC Scan to BIM softwareAvailable Soon Integrated platforms (available with subscription plans) usBIM.platform Common Data Environment Software usBIM.dossier Engineering document management software usBIM.resolver Management construction site problems usBIM.maint Facility Management Software usBIM.firemaint Fire protection maintenance software usBIM.planAI 2D to 3D/BIM usBIM.bridgeBridge management software usBIM.geotwin Geospatial Digital Twin Read Building Information Modelling openBIM vs closed BIM BIM construction IFC and openBIM® openBIM standardExplore Digital Twin software 3D point cloud Structural health monitoring software Bridge inspection software Virtual reality software Snag list software Punch list software GIS asset management softwareTry BIM Viewer Point cloud viewer DXF viewer DWG viewer RVT viewer SKP viewer LAS viewer 3D viewer